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I know this is hard to believe, but we do get tired of cookies!! After all, it is a job.


We thought we’d share some of our favorite things during our “off” hours!


~ Brie & Scarlet

      Frozen Yogurt Treats

Gourmet Dog Treats at Dog Mom's Bakery

32 oz Plain Non-Fat Yogurt
2 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter
2 Tbsp Agave/Honey

1 mashed ripe Banana*

Mix in a blender or food processor and pour into ice cube trays or lined mini muffin trays. Freeze. Makes approximately 48. I place one in the dogs bowl and they lick them until gone.

You can add any of your dogs favorite flavors to this recipe instead of PB.

I make Carrot, Mint, Cranberry, blueberry...all of the cookie flavors! And what is better than cookies

and ice cream?



*Hint - when your bananas are turning brown, throw them in the freezer and they are perfect for this recipe when you need them!

Gourmet Dog Treats at Dog Mom's Bakery

Peanut Butter

Carob Chip Mint


Gourmet Dog Treats at Dog Mom's Bakery

Breakfast at the Bakery

Place  your dog friendly ingredients in a microwave safe dish and top with one egg. Pierce the yolk with a fork. Cook on high for one minute, remove and let cool. Give as a snack or a bonus to your dogs breakfast!

Awesome Oatmeal Squares

Gourmet Dog Treats at Dog Mom's Bakery

Mix together:


3/4 cup roasted  peanuts

2.5 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
2 cups puffed rice

1/2 cup dried cranberries

1/2 cup natural peanut butter
1/2 cup Agave
1 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 cup carob chips


Toast peanuts, oats and puffed rice in oven at 200F for 15 min then pour in a large bowl with cranberries.

Whisk the peanut butter, Agave  and vanilla in a medium microwavable bowl and heat on high until mixture is bubbling, about 1 to 2 minutes.

Pour peanut butter/Agave mixture into the large bowl and mix thoroughly. Let cool slightly and then add carob chips.

Press the mixture into a 9 x 13-inch baking pan coated with cooking spray.  Cover the mixture with a sheet of wax or parchment paper and evenly distribute in the pan.

Let cool and cut into bite size squares.

Plain Yogurt

Gourmet Dog Treats at Dog Mom's Bakery

We go through a lot of yogurt. Especially, once we learned it helped Sandy’s yeasty ears! We all have a scoop for breakfast  to keep us healthy.  It makes great frozen yogurt for people too!!

1 gallon fat free milk

1 cup non fat plain yogurt

1 cup non fat dry milk

Heat the milk in a double boiler over medium heat to 200 degrees. Remove from heat and cool to 100 - 110 degrees. Turn crock pot on to “warm” setting.  Combine 1 cup of the cooled milk with the yogurt and dry milk, whisk together. Pour the mixture into the milk mixture and mix well.  Pour into the pre-warmed crock pot and turn to off. Wrap with a towel and let set. Do not disturb and  for 8 hours or overnight. You will have fresh warm yogurt for breakfast! Top with some fresh fruit for an added treat.

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